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Les taches blanches et blanches dominantes sont contrôlées par le gène KIT.

20 working days






Swab, Blood EDTA, Blood Heparin, Semen, Tissue

Mode of Inheritance


Also known as

Year Published

Informations générales

Les taches blanches et blanches dominantes sont contrôlées par le gène KIT. Le blanc dominant est également décrit comme le locus W et le spotting blanc comme le locus S. Le gène KIT a trois variantes (allèles). L’allèle DW est dominant sur les allèles Ws et N ; L’allèle Ws est dominant sur l’allèle N.

Caractéristiques cliniques

The dominant allele DW results in a white coat colour. One or two copies of the DW allele will result in a white-coated cat with varying degrees of hearing impairment. The allele Ws in white spotting and the allele N has no effect on the coat colour.

Additional Information

The gene/genes controlling the pattern of White Spotting is still unknown. Additionally, not all white spots or patterns result from the KIT-gene as other genes can also have mutations that result in depigmentation phenotypes. Dominant White is distinct from albinism (C-locus) which results from a mutation in the TYR gene that has no known impact on hearing.


Pubmed ID: 25085922

Omia ID: 209

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